Sugar: Good, Bad or Both?
Healthy levels of sugar:
No more than 10% of total calories, less for someone overweight.
For most people no more than 50g of sugar should be eaten per day
Source: World Health Organization, WebMD
What may happen if you eat too much sugar:
-May gain weight: Fact: Sugar is high in calories but not very filling, making it easier to over-eat
-Can get sick more often: Fact: High levels of sugar causes a weaker immune system.
-May get old faster! Fact: High levels of sugar causes inflammation: excessive inflammation promotes aging and disease.
-Tired- After a high dose of sugar people get a dose of energy and then crash a little after.
Only if you want more detail:
-High levels of sugar suppresses release of human growth hormone: Human growth hormone helps kids grow up and adults prevent aging.
-High levels of sugar raises insulin levels; an influx of sugar quickly increases your blood sugar levels, after this your pancreas will release a lot of insulin to bring the sugar from your blood to your cells. When you eat a lot of sugar, your pancreas can get tired and stop responding to the
high sugar levels. Exposing your cells and organs to high insulin levels accelerates the aging process.
-Sugar promotes glycation: Once sugar molecules get into your bloodstream, they start looking for things to bind to, like protein and fat molecules. When they attach the pair is called glycation. These “pairs” run around crazy in your body producing toxic compounds often referred to as AGEs (advanced glycation end products)
AGE’s throw the aging process into fast-forward.
When you can have your treat:
After a vigorous workout sugar is efficiently metabolized if you are not diabetic. Your muscles take up the sugar. Simple sugars (ex: fruit and veggies) and protein after a workout can enhance your recovery.