4 Way Leg Stretch
Dynamic (keep moving) before activity or in the morning ~10x moving in place or walking
Static (hold) after activity or in the evening 3x30s or 2 min. for tightest spots
Back (hamstrings) Keep back flat, chest towards your knees

Hamstrings with toe up, chest towards toe

CLOCK Stretch for adductors (inside of leg): Keep one foot planted, other foot at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 and so on. Switch legs.

Inside (Adductors)

Outside (TFL, IT Band)

Front (psoas): Make sure back is flat, tuck buttocks, push back hip forward

Arm up on same side as BACK leg, then lower your arm to slightly higher than shoulder height

Sciatica? This Stretch may help…Piriformis stretch
While seated, cross one leg over the other so your heel is on the thigh of the opposite leg, with the foot on the floor, lift your heel so you’re on your toes and lean forward, keep your back tall and straight, chest to toe of the “up” leg. Hold for 20-30 seconds, perform 3 times.

Neck Pain or Neck Tightness? Try these stretches…
Scalene stretch (middle, front (anterior) and back (posterior) scalene)
Part 1: Sit or stand tall, bring right ear to right shoulder, use your right hand to provide a little more pressure, touching the right temple. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then switch. Perform 3 times on each side (Stretches the middle scalene)

Part 2) Sit tall and bring your left ear to your left shoulder blade. Place your left hand on the right side of your forehead to provide a deeper stretch. Hold 20-30 seconds, then switch sides. (stretches the front (anterior) scalene)

Part 3) Sit tall, bring your left ear to the front of your right shoulder and look down, place your left hand on the back of the left side of your head and pull gently until you feel a stretch. Hold 20-30 seconds and switch to the opposite side. Perform 3x each side. (Back (posterior) scalene)